About the Author


Bio: I am now retired and enjoyed working as industrial controls Global Account Manager, business owner and home builder. I have traveled to many parts of the world and have made friends in many countries. I enjoy golfing, fishing, hunting, wood working, building furniture, reading, researching different topics, writing and sometimes just sitting back and smelling the roses with my wife. My wife and I were married in 1969 and we have lived in Colorado since 2007 after moving here from Michigan where we had lived our entire life. I am a father with three great kids, two son in-laws and four grandkids. I have authored one book and have been challenged to think about another. From the time I was a young child I enjoyed asking myself as well as others, questions that many of us just contemplate. Exploring life, who we really are, is God real, how did this world evolve, and it seems like there is no lack of questions. Taking the time to write down what I find has become a passion. I truly attempt to never tell someone how to believe, or how they should think on a topic and will truthfully tell you what I have come to believe and why. I believe one needs to make decisions for themselves. I enjoy providing food for thought and exchanging points of view. This is how the "Think Tank" came to life. So come on aboard, ask questions and join me on my journey. It should be fun!

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6 thoughts on “About the Author

  1. Thanks for all of your kind comments and encouragement. A great many suggestions and helps! Thanks! Enjoy your Independence Day weekend, Bill!


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