Reflecting on Life

When I look back on my childhood, taking the time to evaluate my life, or maybe I should say the areas that I wrapped my arms around and embraced and those that I didn’t, it brings great joy and in some cases a level of sadness. Turning the clock back to my childhood, growing up on the farm during the 50’s and 60’s with little spare cash, just enough to get by with and sometimes not even that much, I had a good life that taught me more than I ever gave it credit for.

Graduating High School in 1968 while the Viet Nam war was in full swing, seeing many of my friends serving there and returning home not the same person, some in a box, some missing limbs, but mostly changed personalities due to the effects of the war, was a difficult time.

Getting married at age nineteen, building our first house at age twenty, becoming a father at age twenty-one, were huge steps in life for me.

The foundation learned as a youth growing up was never lost, only forgotten for many years. Saddened by so much I had witnessed as a youth and my mid-teenage years in the religious arena, set my life path in motion. Determination set in, a drive to enjoy life, to become financially sound, to take a stand against all that didn’t fit into my version of faith, all began while still in high school.

Working my way up the ranks of my first job, I worked hard. I took on two jobs in those early years trying to earn what I felt was required to be a good provider. Then becoming licensed in the electrical trade and eventually starting our own company my life was very busy. Between work, family and fun, I had my hands full. Then my eyes were opened to the rest of the world when I took a new job in 1986. Being able to travel to many parts of the world, I began to see and feel the effects that war really has. To be close to war, hearing how others dealt with war both old and new, grasping the many religious faiths and beliefs including those that have no belief in God, it kicked in motion my past and the emotions caused me to re-evaluate my understandings of life.

So what does this mean in the grander scheme of things? It shows that from childhood on, our lives and personalities are set in a direction and become altered as we continue to age, grasping new information, learning about others we cross paths with. The real question is; do we allow ourselves the freedom to open our mind and explore what we see and hear? Or do we remain set in our ways determined not to allow change? Do we even recognize that we are closed to anything that may disrupt our desires and beliefs in life?

For me, I spent the time to re-evaluate my past, examine what I had learned and experienced, and to wrap my arms around what I believe this life is all about. I worked hard to eliminate the mental blocks that so often accompanies our attempt to truly understand, disabling any rational outcome. What I found was that I could make a decision for myself, placing my faith in what I had come to understand. While it was influenced by many, it was in the end, my choice, my decision, my beliefs.

So there’s this lingering question

When was the time you slowed down long enough, shoved the distraction aside, threw out the external influences of those that educate with an agenda whether religious or non-religious or educational and dug deep enough that you allowed yourself the freedom to choose where you have placed your faith?

One of the biggest things I learned along this adventure is that it takes faith to believe in life, it takes faith to believe what it is all about. It takes faith to believe in God or to not believe in God. It takes faith to believe in the direction we choose for our lives.

Where is your faith placed?  


Breaking it Down: if we could just…

If we would allow ourselves to step outside our current life, dropping for a moment our inner thoughts, forgetting what we have been taught in our schools, our homes and step back from any religious beliefs we have, opening our mind to all we see, what would we like the world to be like?

With everything that is happening around this world, many times in the name of God, or some god, or Allah, or in the name of progressive evolution, one should wonder why. Why does man take something so simple to grasp, add his desires and then drive his agenda?  What is it that makes man’s desire to do evil, to hate, to murder?

If you are a Christian, you say you believe in God. Why do those that kill in the name of this belief, kill at all, when to be a Christian you are to love one another.

If you a Muslim, you say you believe in God. Why do those that kill in the name of this belief, kill at all, when to be a Muslim you are to love one another.

If you acknowledge that God exist, then you should show love to everyone.

What makes man behave as he does? What makes humans make up their own rules just to satisfy man’s own desires?

One of the most basic needs in life is to be loved by a mother or father, a brother or sister, a son or a daughter, a friend or a foe. Yes, even our enemy. If we loved our enemies and we were loved by our enemies, we would no longer have enemies. It makes no difference where in this world you live or what your beliefs are. Love enables each of us to grasp our desired happiness and defeat evil, to stop doing evil, to stop being evil.

Coming back full circle, we step back into our world realizing that love is drastically missing in so many places. We recognize that some force is driving man away from this simple principle of life. Is it intellect and a belief man has evolved and that some levels of man are greater than others? Is it the man-made rules in some religious belief that pits one against another? Is it a form of arrogance, conceit, pride or superiority that separates one from another? Is it aggressiveness versus laziness? Is it an evil force driving the wedge of hate and deceit into our lives?

This is a question we should ask ourselves?

To be loved one must show love remembering that real love is unconditional and real love expects nothing in return. If your religious belief, which includes all religions, (i.e. Christian, Muslim/Islam, Atheist, Buddhism, etc.) includes evil, hate, murder, then maybe you should rethink your religious belief and take a stand for “Love your neighbor” and bring this world back to what it was designed to be from the beginning.

What in the “WORLD” is Happening?

So your mad at the world, made at your country, upset with the violence, discussed with the TV and radio media, disturbed with the politicians, and even angry with God. The church has let you down, your country is going to hell in a hand basket, you search for answers but all you hear are the issues. No answers can be found. When searching you only find reasons why every concept will not work leaving zero answers for a remedy. Pointing the finger is the first reaction of most and many times the only reaction. Every minority and majority wants their rights regardless of color, race, religion, way of life and could care less about anyone else as long as they get their way. Many times these different groups speak out against others just because they don’t agree with their point of view or beliefs even when they have never taken the time to understand each other. When a majority is made up of many minorities like the Christianity and Muslim religious beliefs, they don’t even agree with each other within each group. Everyone is out for themselves and strongly desire that the rest of the world believe their way of thinking but won’t give an inch towards comprehending the other side. All you see is hate and very little love. Kindness many times just doesn’t exist. One faith despises another – it’s their way or the highway in spite of the fact most of them preach “Love”. When will it all end????

Ok, I must stop myself. But does this feel like you on occasion or possible most everyday? So what are the answers?

1) Is it Gods fault that bad things happen?

2) Is it mans fault that bad things happen?

3) Is it money that drives everything?

4) What happened to: “Love your neighbor as yourself?”

5) What happened to: “Do onto others as you would like them to do to you?”

If we try to sum things up just a little we might recognize that if there is no God as some believe, than it must be man (man/women) that is messing with things and causing all the problems.

The other side of the coin is that there is a God (which many believe) that started everything. If He created everything and then added man (man/woman) then what we see is pretty good except for how man has turned out. So I would suggest that man again is the one that is causing all the problems. And remember that if you believe in God and follow the Bible or even the Koran, then it all started with just one man and one woman. Even science tells us that we all go back to one man/woman.

Suggestion: “If man (man/women) would use integrity as the model of how to live, would not this world be a better place?”




Words of wisdom to live by. Pull up our boots, learn from our past and move forward. Thank you Orlando!

Orlando Espinosa

Reflecting on the past is good, but living in the past is not!reflecting Past-and-Future-orlando espinosa

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