The Rope of “Political Correctness”

Have you ever tried to push a rope?

Have you ever tied something or even a friend to a rope and then attempt to push it in a given direction? I guess you would agree that it doesn’t work very well. However, if you pull on the rope, you at least have the chance of getting things moving in the direction you would like them to move.

A key question is:

Are you the puller of the rope or are you the one being pulled?

If you are the one being pulled, which in many cases we are all pulled from time to time, which direction are you being pulled? Are you aware of where you are headed? Do you know who you are being pulled along by? Have you peeled the layers back far enough to discover who or even why someone is pulling you?

In todays life in this country as well as many others around the world, people have been pulled in the direction of “Political Correctness” (i.e., PC). The “PC” movement is a force that is gaining momentum and goes unnoticed. It is as if it is pulling our rope and we don’t recognize that we are tied to it.

PC really is not the same thing as “Love for all.” PC keeps telling us that we should let everyone live and do as they desire. It is their choice. Live and let live. Stand to the side and say nothing. What they do won’t hurt me. We need to ask ourselves the question; But will it?

We can love someone, but do we let them jump off a cliff because they choose to do so just because it’s PC?

Now maybe everyone is not ready to jump off a cliff, but one can show love and compassion and still speak up on issues of life. It’s ok and correct to listen, to try to understand, to discuss and exchange ideas. It’s also ok to have an opinion and to speak up about it, to be heard by the minority or the majority.

Being PC should never stand in the way of doing what is right!

In the USA, 85% of the people believe in God. The people around the world that believe in God, or Allah or just in peace and the study of how to live in harmony accounts for a major amount of the worlds population. So why do we allow the “Political Correctness” to take over and pull our rope in it’s direction. It appears that small minority is in control and are changing our culture and directing what our future generations will become. All for what appears to make them feel good, that fits their agenda, their life style preferences, or their beliefs.

However, the minority has rights and should be heard. The majority also has rights and should be heard. Love and understanding should be embraced on both sides. Political Correctness should not play a role in shutting down one side or the other, even if both sides believe the other has it wrong. Peaceful protest should be allowed, however non-peaceful protest should be shunned by both side.

A question to ponder:

When will we drop the momentum of “Political Correctness” and allow love, understanding, compassion, and an openness to “Truth” to find its way back to the top?

If God is real, and I personally believe He is based on my discovery down both roads, then why should I not be taught about this in my schools today as a possibility? Schools are for learning. Just because you may not believe in God, does not mean that there is no possibly that He may exist. I would think that in either case, one would want to know both side, be allowed to make ones own decision, to be given all available information, and to make ones own discovery and choices.

It truly takes a level of faith either way. I just wanted to know as much as possible so I could place my faith where I believed it belonged and not be driven by the “PC” of this world. I want to speak up and not let “PC” get in the way of someone who should be given a chance to learn what I have learned. To gain the knowledge allowing them to make life decisions based on what they choose to believe, not on what someone else tells them to believe.

So ask yourself:

Will you listen and share?

Will you look for “Truth”? 


Will you stay in a comfort position remaining
“Politically Correct – PC”?




No God? – God? – Allah? – What God?

I’m not a Theologian, Pastor, Rabi, Priest, an Iman or any form of religious leader including any form of leader in this world that believes there is no God. I’m just a regular person that does not let skin color, race or anything else enter into my ability to ask questions and think for myself.

The asking of challenging question can be a difficult task especially when we are asking ourselves. Many time we do not wish to hear anything outside of what we believe to be true. To truly understand we must open our minds if we truly desire the truth.

Please read on, give this some thought and you draw your own conclusions.

Is the God of the Muslim belief, is the God of Islam and the God of Christianity the God of the Bible the same God? There are many debates on this, but for just this instant let’s say they are.

If God is who He said He is and God sent or enlightened his Prophets to inform each of us how to live our life, then He cared for everything he created which includes all men, women, and children around the world. If Jesus said to love your God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself and Muhammad said to kill everyone that does not believe as I do, then who do you want to believe?

Remember it takes “Faith” to believe either way.

So who do you want to believe? Where do you place your faith?

Do I believe the One that teaches love everything I have created including all men, women, and children – or – do I believe the one that teaches kill men, women, and children that don’t believe as I do?

This is a hard question for some to answer because of the abuse so many have encountered in their lives. However, does it makes any difference who you are, what country you live in, what color your skin is, or how you were raised. All abuse has been handed down by the “hand of man.” If you are a Christian or a Muslim, if you hand down cruelty and hatred, you are not doing what God wants you to do.

Only “WE” can make a difference. It starts as an individual then to our family then to our friends then to the rest of the world.

Science and the Moon – Truth or Theory

When looking into science we find so many fascinating discoveries. So much of what we see and live in today, evolves around the world of science, engineering, and discovery. It has the ability to rule our world if we should elect to allow it. Is it possible what we think we understand is not really the total truth?

In researching for information about the moon and it’s effects on the earth, I found several things that should make us set back and think just a little. I’m not trying to show extremely accurate scientific facts and figures. But when you look at the theories about evolution and take into account the terminology of billions of years, we open up the theories to the question of the real probabilities of them being true.

One set of information tells us that in about a billion years the moon will have no effect on the earth and it’s tide. This is because the earths rotation will become slower than the moon and the effects of the sun and earth will reverse the moon and it will begin to move back towards the earth and should arrive in about 2 billion years. When it arrives it will break up and form rings around the earth similar to the rings of Saturn.

One set of information tell us the moon is moving away from earth at a rate of 1.5 inches per year.

One set of information tell us that the moon was formed when it split from the earth while other information might tell us that the moon was formed when maybe two smaller moons collided forming what we know today as the moon of the earth.

  • So where is this place on earth that the moon broke out of?

I’m sure some would say that the earth has had a billion years to cover it’s tracks, so let’s leave that one alone.

  • How did it fly out of the earths gravity as either one big chunk or even smaller pieces and into space and “not” take on the looks of Saturn’s rings around the earth?

For the moon to have started to orbit the earth, it would have need for the earth to have been in existence in some form. Otherwise, the moon would have been something just wandering in space.

  • So does that mean it is slightly younger than the raw form of the earth?

If the moon is moving away from the earth at a predetermined rate of 1.5 inch’s per year, and it will take about 1 billion more years before it reverses direction, and using the 2 billion years needed to return to the earth before it will break up creating rings around the earth, than maybe we could estimate that the earth was 1 billion years old with respect to when the moon was formed and will be 3 billion years old when the moon returns to it’s origin. However, many in science will estimate the age of the earth at approximately 3.5+ billion years old.

At the rate of 1.5 inches per/year that the moon moves away – which is what science tell us – and given it’s current location in space with a distance of approximately 220,593 from edge of earth to the edge of the moon (not center to center), the moon would have need to have started at a point that is 23,674 miles closer to earth than it is today. This would also mean that it will move another 23,674 miles farther away before it start to return towards earth. This would mean that the moon, if formed by splitting off earth, was sent quickly out to a distance of 196,919 miles from earth when it was formed. If it has a constant rate of 1.5 inches per/year of movement and it will take 2 billion years to again return back to the earth before breaking up, then it will need to travel much faster than 1.5 inches per/year because in 2 billion years it will only be back to approximately 196,919 miles from earth.

  • Why would the effects of gravity and magnetic pull that are currently sending the moon away from earth have the opposite effect causing it to return?
  • Why would the moon not just float away into space and the earth loose the effects of the moon?
  • If the earth is only one billion years old with respect to the moon and the moon was needed before life could be formed, then wouldn’t the beginning of life on earth be just a little younger than 1 billion years?

You may ask why this is important. It is because so often we take what we read as completely true and base our life on it. Now, I am sure you may not sit around and contemplate questions about the affects of the moon on your life.

  • But what about the affects of science on your life that you are led to believe is true and not just a theory?
  • What if all this was created and it didn’t just evolve?

Theories are great but should remain a theory unless it is proven factual. No one should position a theory as true just to drive one’s own beliefs and agendas.

Why is it that so many want to believe that everything just evolved? What is wrong with the idea that everything was created? Why do so many avoid this?

 (Information used in this research was derived from scientific articles available over the internet.)

Walking the “Middle of the Road”

The CENTER  –  The LEFT  –  The RIGHT

Where should we walk, talk and live?

What happens when one try’s to walk down the middle of the road? Have you ever tried to stay neutral? Do you believe in live and let live, don’t rock the boat, or to each their own? Everyone generally has an opinion, a belief or an understanding on many of todays issues of life, but do you feel that it is sometimes more healthy to keep it to yourself?

What happens when we are forced into a corner and are required to take one side or the other, when we are confronted by something bigger than we are and the center lane of life is taken away? Your desires, understanding or position may be on the right or the left or maybe you consider yourself in the center when it comes to politics, but what about your health or someone else’s health or what about religion? What will we do when we are forced to make a choice?

For some people living today, this question is faced everyday. We could be forced to make a decision based on “how will this impact my life” or “how will this impact my family” or “how will this impact my job”. It could truly be a matter of life or death. Will we go with the majority, side with the ones forcing the decision, enabling a temporary feeling of safeness? Will we tell the questioner what they want to hear even if we don’t believe it? Have you ever thought about what you would do if you were confronted by someone that would do you harm if you didn’t side with them? Would you stand by your beliefs or cave to the pressure?

When we look around the world we see countries and regions that beat, mam, and kill, the men, women and children who stand up for their beliefs. In many countries including mine, this generally does not exist today, but what would we do if it did?

Question: What would you do?

Being prepared, knowing what to do or say is one of life’s challenges. To prepare, one first must acknowledge the need and then step out and ask themselves those critical questions.  

The Power of Science and the Media

I totally respect “Science”. It’s discoveries continue to unfold each and every day. I just discovered that “Scientists create artificial human eggs and sperm” which was aired by Jessica Firger on CBS News December 26, 2014, 1:45 PM. This leads one to believe that we evolved just as so many in the sciences would like each of us to believe. However, when reading deeper into the article it is revealed that they required an egg and sperm to start with and the end result was:  

“Their final products were not actually working sperm and eggs, but rather germ cells that potentially could mature and become viable for fertility. The study’s findings were published Wednesday in the journal Cell”.

If one was to read only the headline and not the details one could live the rest of their life with a belief that life can be created in the science lab.

Food for Thought–

With all the scientific equipment available today we are still not able to produce a living egg and sperm that will allow human life to begin. So how could an explosion or any other theory without any of todays extremely scientific and technical equipment produce what we see today?

So much of what our medical and biological sciences have been able to discover and reproduce has been designed with already available “Stuff” which takes into account anything that already exist. In my mind it is engineering backwards so to speak which does lead to many new and wonderful discoveries. I am sure some will say that it is only time that is needed before some discovery will reveal exactly how such a miracle happened. We should all admire each and every scientist for everything they do. However, the media and the sciences that jump to conclusions and lead people down a road that is not proven is still wrong.

–?- Question -?–

Were you created or did you just happen from billions of years of chance?  



The power of observation is so often taken over by the power of ones speech. Silence can be golden!

Orlando Espinosa

The best lessons are learned when you watch and observe other people’s behavior!observe orlando espinosa monsters inc

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Whining and Complaining

Whining and Complaining

Why whine and complain?

Orlando Espinosa

If all you do is whine and complain about life, then that means you have plenty of time on your hands to make changes. Life offers you a limited amount of time to accomplish the things you want out of life, so learn to use your time wisely, instead of spending it whining and complaining.whining and complaing orlando espinosa

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What is Life Worth?


“The Beauty Around Us”

Asking a hard question is not what most of us like to do let alone being forced to answer it. It is not what makes us comfortable and generally we avoid them if possible. However, sometimes the question is asked and we have little choice but to answer it. So what is life really worth?

If one is faced with making a decision about the importance of the life we know and the need to protect what we have or what we desire, how would we react?

Would we give our life for one last good meal?
Would we give our life for something we can experience only once?
Would we give our life for our wife or husbands safety?
Would we give our life for our kids safety and future?
Would we give our life for our neighbor in need?
Would we give our life for our country and its freedom?
Would we give our life for freedom around the world?
Would we give our life for our freedom of religion or what we believe in?

Just what is important enough to give our life for or to ask someone else to give theirs for or to just stand by while they do?

Ok, this is a heavy question I know. But how would we each react if faced with making a decision to live or to die trying.

Many lives have been lost over the hundreds of years of wars and feuds. Men and women have died protecting their families. Freedoms have been won and lost in the efforts that cost lives. To give of one’s life is no small deed and should not go unrecognized. Disrespect for those lost lives should not be tolerated. Those who take lives disrespecting others just to help themselves should be stopped. Each of us as people have rights and we should recognize how we attained those rights. For those that have lost their rights we should have compassion. To tolerate continued loss of rights should be condemned and stopped in it tracks.

“freedom isn’t free unless everyone is free”

In the beginning there was one man and one woman whether you believe in God or not. In the beginning there was freedom in the human race. What happened?

Achieve Victory!

Achieve Victory!

Perseverance and faith will drive one to victory! Without either one of them we only stand in one place or wander about wondering why!

Orlando Espinosa

We all face daily challenges, but we shouldn’t allow these challenges to deter or discourage us. We should allow them to be a driving force until we achieve that which we set out to do. Too often we miss out on achieving success because we don’t persevere. We give up without realizing how close we are to victory. Remember that victory is achieved through perseverance!

Victory is achieved-orlando espinosa

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Words of wisdom to live by. Pull up our boots, learn from our past and move forward. Thank you Orlando!

Orlando Espinosa

Reflecting on the past is good, but living in the past is not!reflecting Past-and-Future-orlando espinosa

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